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Get the Most from Allocating and Communicating Financial Aid

It can be a challenge to use financial aid strategically to achieve certain institutional goals. Read our Roadmap to discover how to maximize the allocation of financial aid at your…
Strategic Advisory Services

Design 2-Year to 4-Year Guided Pathways to Streamline the Transfer Experience

Guided Pathways was developed as a solution to stagnant completion rates, but implementation of this model varies widely. Use this roadmap to launch or improve upon your Guided Pathways efforts.
Strategic Advisory Services for Community Colleges

Maximize Counseling Center Operations and Efficiency

Clinical time is an extremely valuable resource, so students and institutions will be well-served to ensure that time is used most efficiently. View this Roadmap for strategies on how to…
Strategic Advisory Services

Design Credentials to Meet Adult Student Needs

Rather than choose a credential to launch and hope to find an audience, first determine the audience a program will serve and then build the offering to meet their needs.…
Professional and Adult Education Advisory Services

Create High Impact International Partnerships

International partnerships used to be siloed and unmonitored. However, university partnerships should align with their missions and advance their global statuses.
Strategic Advisory Services

Modernize Research Lab Design and Management

Research labs are expensive to build and renovate, and decentralized space governance makes it difficult to maximize the value of existing space or streamline inefficient processes. Follow the steps in…
Strategic Advisory Services

Develop Outcomes-Focused Recruitment Messages for Adult Learners

Distinct from first-time students, continuing education units need to develop outcomes-focused recruitment messages for adult learner recruitment.
Professional and Adult Education Advisory Services

Build Financial Dashboards to Communicate with Boards and Other Stakeholders

Higher education’s tough budgetary climate has heightened board and other stakeholders’ (for example, academic leaders, alumni, and parents) interest in their institutions’ financial health. In response, finance leaders are looking…
Strategic Advisory Services

Increase Faculty Diversity and Inclusivity on Campus

While the student body of college campuses has diversified over the last decades, the demographics of the faculty have largely remained unchanged. And even in fields which have diversified, candidates…
Strategic Advisory Services

Align Workloads and Schedules with Student Demand

Instructional costs, primarily faculty compensation and benefits, are the largest single budget line item for nearly every university—and they are on the rise. For most institutions, these costs are largely…
Strategic Advisory Services